I find the description of the confrontation between Peter and Paul quite enlightening. As a Protestant (for 35 years) I'd always believed it was a genuine disagreement (and perhaps a dig at all things Petrine). Since becoming Orthodox I'd only ever heard one-liners about it - "Yeah, it was a ruse, a setup". But, I think I'm understanding it now. In fact we probably see it all the time. A wise school teacher may observe a "leader" (lets call him Jack) amongst the students being pressured by their "followers" to commit an infraction or advance a dubious agenda - leaving the school grounds at lunch-time perhaps. If the teacher, addressing Jack in front of the entire class says "And Jack, I don't want to hear anymore about you and your friends leaving the grounds at lunch-time" the pressure from below is released. Jack is simultaneously, rebuked, freed and validated as an informal leader. The hierarchy is strengthened.

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Oh, that's an excellent illustration of the idea. Especially if "Jack" is concerned not with his position as leader but entirely with the well-being of his followers.

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